Friday, October 24, 2008

Rescheduled Appointment

Today is Friday, the day we had scheduled an appointment with Dr. O'Reilly at MSK. My brother asked last night whether we were still going in and I realized my last update and call to prayer left that up in the air. We decided to cancel that appointment to give Diane an opportunity to put on some more poundage. Please pray for that! She has been eating very well, but it is tough putting on those pounds. The next appointment is scheduled for Fri November 14. Please pray for that also! Diane has found that walking with a walker (with front wheels) has given her extra stability while standing and walking, and so now she is taking to exercising her legs, strengthening her body by walking with the walker. She looks forward to the day she can exercise walk without the aid of the walker, but for now it is a great tool to be used for her to get stronger. A little about the weekend. My sister Mary is going to cook us a Sauebraten Dinner. She is coming out early Saturday (sure it has been marinating in vinegar through a good deal of this week) to put it in a crock pot. Than she and her husband John will take the girls out for the day. If the weather cooperates doing the corn maze, haunted house scene, if not, we'll see what we can come up with. Sunday the girls may go to the street fair in Bellmore (Diane's cousin Ann is working it) and I may get out to purchase a laptop - that is important because the stairs to the basement (where the computer is) are just too tough on her. With the laptop she will be able to correspond with emails, keep up with her adoption chat groups, once again play hearts on-line and surf the net. So we are looking forward to all that is happening this weekend and wish you a great weekend. And of course I can never leave off without asking for your prayers for Diane's complete healing. The prayers are so essential for her healing, so appreciated. Keep them up, love, George

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